Wednesday Jul 10, 2024
2024 Polypharmacy Summer Rewind
To get in touch: [email protected]
Doctors Lisa and Sara talk to Senior Pharmacist Sarah Hafeez about Polypharmacy. She explains the difference between inappropriate and appropriate polypharmacy before talking through some typical cases that illustrate several examples of common scenarios.
This leads to discussions on prioritising concerns, weaning/stopping medications, counselling patients on the effects of Opioids and Gabapentinoids and involving community teams aiming for successful reductions of addiction forming medications. Other gems include a discussion of the potential long term risks of Proton Pump Inhibitors and advice on weaning, remembering to consider anticholinergic burdens as well as handy resources for tackling Polypharmacy, Structured Medications Reviews and medication reductions.
You can use these podcasts as part of your CPD - we don’t do certificates but they still count :)
Useful resources:
Greater Manchester Medicines Management Group: Inappropriate Polypharmacy Review and Treatment Optimisation: Resource Pack (from Dec 2022, accessed Dec 2023): https://gmmmg.nhs.uk/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/GMMMG-Polypharmacy-resource-pack-v3.0.pdf
Scotland Polypharmacy Resources for Professionals and for Patients: https://www.polypharmacy.scot.nhs.uk/for-patients-and-carers/
Scottish Polypharmacy Guidance 2018: https://www.therapeutics.scot.nhs.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/Polypharmacy-Guidance-2018.pdf
Lewis T. Using the NO TEARS tool for medication review. BMJ. 2004 Aug 21;329(7463):434. doi: 10.1136/bmj.329.7463.434. PMID: 15321901; PMCID: PMC514207 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC514207/
Toolkit for General Practice in Supporting Older People Living with Frailty (includes a great Appendix of the STOPP/START criteria (2017): https://www.england.nhs.uk/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/toolkit-general-practice-frailty-1.pdf
An example of an Anticholinergic Burdon Resource from West Essex CCG 2020: https://westessexccg.nhs.uk/your-health/medicines-optimisation-and-pharmacy/clinical-guidelines-and-prescribing-formularies/04-central-nervous-system/61-anticholinergic-side-effects-and-prescribing-guidance/file
Canadian Resource for Deprescribing including reducing medications and some patient information leaflets: https://deprescribing.org/
Resource for help reducing and stopping medications: https://medstopper.com/
Me and My Medicines Resource for Patients to look through their medications before reviews or for information: https://meandmymedicines.org.uk/
Anticholinergic Medications and Risks of Dementia Cochrane Editorial with Reports in Link (Sept 2021): https://www.cochranelibrary.com/cdsr/doi/10.1002/14651858.ED000154/full
- Anticholinergic drugs and risk of dementia: Time for action? British Pharmacological Society. Bell B et al Jun 2021 (9:3). Accessed 15/1/2024: https://bpspubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/prp2.793
- Cognitive Effects of Anticholinergic Load in Women with Overactive Bladder. Clin Interv Aging. 2020; 15: 1493–1503: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7457731/
- Greater Manchester Medicines Management Group: Management of Overactive Bladder Including a simple Bladder Diary before and after stopping Medications (Jun 2019): https://gmmmg.nhs.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Management-of-OAB-in-adults-v3-0-approved-Aug-2019.pdf
We really want to make these episodes relevant and helpful: if you have any questions or want any particular areas covered then contact us on Twitter @PCKBpodcast, or leave a comment on our quick anonymous survey here: https://pckb.org/feedback
Email us at: [email protected]
This podcast has been made with the support of GP Excellence and Greater Manchester Integrated Care Board. Given that it is recorded with Greater Manchester clinicians, the information discussed may not be applicable elsewhere and it is important to consult local guidelines before making any treatment decisions.
The information presented is the personal opinion of the healthcare professional interviewed and might not be representative to all clinicians. It is based on their interpretation of current best practice and guidelines when the episode was recorded. Guidelines can change; To the best of our knowledge the information in this episode is up to date as of it’s release but it is the listeners responsibility to review the information and make sure it is still up to date when they listen.
Dr Lisa Adams, Dr Sara MacDermott and their interviewees are not liable for any advice, investigations, course of treatment, diagnosis or any other information, services or products listeners might pursue as a result of listening to this podcast - it is the clinicians responsibility to appraise the information given and review local and national guidelines before making treatment decisions. Reliance on information provided in this podcast is solely at the listeners risk.
The podcast is designed to be used by trained healthcare professionals for education only. We do not recommend these for patients or the general public and they are not to be used as a method of diagnosis, opinion, treatment or medical advice for the general public. Do not delay seeking medical advice based on the information contained in this podcast. If you have questions regarding your health or feel you may have a medical condition then promptly seek the opinion of a trained healthcare professional.
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Practice changing podcast, amazing insight into deprescribing
Thursday Jul 11, 2024
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