Primary Care Knowledge Boost
All things General Practice! Join doctors Sara and Lisa as they interview specialists from around Greater Manchester with the aim of improving the confidence and knowledge of local primary care clinicians. The podcast has been made possible due to the support of Wigan CCG and GP Excellence in Greater Manchester.
Wednesday Nov 24, 2021
Wednesday Nov 24, 2021
Drs Lisa and Sara talk to Dr Luke Wookey, Dr Joanna Bircher and Ava Bircher for an introduction to Trans and Non-Binary Health in General Practice.
We start with all important definitions, which leads us to talking about coding, healthcare records and a discussion about screening and health inequalities. We talk about how our practices and consultations can be welcoming, before considering Hormone Replacement Therapy and NHS funded surgical options which are potential options for people accessing Gender Clinics. We move onto health issues that disproportionately affect Trans and Non-Binary people, and discuss important resources for clinicians and patients. A lot more could be said but we hope you will find this a useful resource for the whole Primary Care Team to access.
Useful resources:
LGBT Foundation including links to Pride in Practice:
GMC ethical guidelines: Your rights as lesbian, gay, bi and trans patients:
Royal College of General Practitioners Transgender Care:
TransActual UK: Supporting trans patients: A brief guide for GP surgery staff (excellent resource and links):
Information for trans and non-binary patients seeking fertility treatment:
Changing Name Greater Manchester LMC Guidance:
Changing Name and Gender, Primary Care Support England Flow Diagram:
Greater Manchester Indigo Gender Service:
Gender Identity Research and Education Society (includes eLearning packages):
The World Professional Association of Transgender Health:
The Royal College of General Practitioners Gender Variance eLearning module:
Mutual Aid Resource for trans and non binary people in Greater Manchester:
Information about Hate Crimes, reporting them and third party Hate Crime centres:
We really want to make these episodes relevant and helpful: if you have any questions or want any particular areas covered then contact us on Twitter @PCKBpodcast, or leave a comment on our really quick anonymous survey here:
This podcast has been made with the support of Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership, GP Excellence, Greater Manchester Training Hub and the GP Fellowship Programme, as well as Wigan Borough CCG. Given that it is recorded with Greater Manchester clinicians, the information discussed may not be applicable elsewhere and it is important to consult local guidelines before making any treatment decisions.
The information presented is the personal opinion of the healthcare professional interviewed and might not be representative to all clinicians. It is based on their interpretation of current best practice and guidelines when the episode was recorded. Guidelines can change; To the best of our knowledge the information in this episode is up to date as of it’s release but it is the listeners responsibility to review the information and make sure it is still up to date when they listen.
Dr Lisa Adams, Dr Sara MacDermott and their interviewees are not liable for any advice, investigations, course of treatment, diagnosis or any other information, services or products listeners might pursue as a result of listening to this podcast - it is the clinicians responsibility to appraise the information given and review local and national guidelines before making treatment decisions. Reliance on information provided in this podcast is solely at the listeners risk.
The podcast is designed to be used by trained healthcare professionals for education only. We do not recommend these for patients or the general public and they are not to be used as a method of diagnosis, opinion, treatment or medical advice for the general public. Do not delay seeking medical advice based on the information contained in this podcast. If you have questions regarding your health or feel you may have a medical condition then promptly seek the opinion of a trained healthcare professional.
Wednesday Nov 10, 2021
Wednesday Nov 10, 2021
Lisa and Sara speak to Sam Howard, who is an advanced clinical practitioner in primary care. She talks us through her career journey to date and what her job looks like now, as well as highlighting the varied role of an advanced clinical practitioner. She also explains details about supervision, registration and training requirements.
This episode was supported by Greater Manchester Training Hub.
Useful resources:
Greater Manchester Primary Care Careers:
Greater Manchester Training Hub:
A Roadmap to Practice:
We really want to make these episodes relevant and helpful: if you have any questions or want any particular areas covered then contact us on Twitter @PCKBpodcast, or leave a comment on our really quick anonymous survey here:
This podcast has been made with the support of Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership, GP Excellence, Greater Manchester Training Hub and the GP Fellowship Programme, as well as Wigan Borough CCG. Given that it is recorded with Greater Manchester clinicians, the information discussed may not be applicable elsewhere and it is important to consult local guidelines before making any treatment decisions.
The information presented is the personal opinion of the healthcare professional interviewed and might not be representative to all clinicians. It is based on their interpretation of current best practice and guidelines when the episode was recorded. Guidelines can change; To the best of our knowledge the information in this episode is up to date as of it’s release but it is the listeners responsibility to review the information and make sure it is still up to date when they listen.
Dr Lisa Adams, Dr Sara MacDermott and their interviewees are not liable for any advice, investigations, course of treatment, diagnosis or any other information, services or products listeners might pursue as a result of listening to this podcast - it is the clinicians responsibility to appraise the information given and review local and national guidelines before making treatment decisions. Reliance on information provided in this podcast is solely at the listeners risk.
The podcast is designed to be used by trained healthcare professionals for education only. We do not recommend these for patients or the general public and they are not to be used as a method of diagnosis, opinion, treatment or medical advice for the general public. Do not delay seeking medical advice based on the information contained in this podcast. If you have questions regarding your health or feel you may have a medical condition then promptly seek the opinion of a trained healthcare professional.
Wednesday Oct 27, 2021
Wednesday Oct 27, 2021
This episode is another of our lovely chats with wider members of the primary care team. Today Lisa and Sara speak to Vishika Rabadia, a senior pharmacist who is working in primary care in a PCN and CCG pharmacist role.
She gives insights into the varied roles of a pharmacist within primary care, the training, and what the supervision and registration side entails. She also provides great examples of some of the work that she has been involved with in her PCN.
This episode was supported by Greater Manchester Training Hub.
Useful resources:
The National Pharmacy Association (NPA):
Primary Care Pharmacy Education Pathway:
General Pharmaceutical Council:
Greater Manchester Primary Care Careers:
Greater Manchester Training Hub:
Community Pharmacist Consultation Service (CPCS):
Royal Pharmaceutical Society:
We really want to make these episodes relevant and helpful: if you have any questions or want any particular areas covered then contact us on Twitter @PCKBpodcast, or leave a comment on our really quick anonymous survey here:
This podcast has been made with the support of Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership, GP Excellence, Greater Manchester Training Hub and the GP Fellowship Programme, as well as Wigan Borough CCG. Given that it is recorded with Greater Manchester clinicians, the information discussed may not be applicable elsewhere and it is important to consult local guidelines before making any treatment decisions.
The information presented is the personal opinion of the healthcare professional interviewed and might not be representative to all clinicians. It is based on their interpretation of current best practice and guidelines when the episode was recorded. Guidelines can change; To the best of our knowledge the information in this episode is up to date as of it’s release but it is the listeners responsibility to review the information and make sure it is still up to date when they listen.
Dr Lisa Adams, Dr Sara MacDermott and their interviewees are not liable for any advice, investigations, course of treatment, diagnosis or any other information, services or products listeners might pursue as a result of listening to this podcast - it is the clinicians responsibility to appraise the information given and review local and national guidelines before making treatment decisions. Reliance on information provided in this podcast is solely at the listeners risk.
The podcast is designed to be used by trained healthcare professionals for education only. We do not recommend these for patients or the general public and they are not to be used as a method of diagnosis, opinion, treatment or medical advice for the general public. Do not delay seeking medical advice based on the information contained in this podcast. If you have questions regarding your health or feel you may have a medical condition then promptly seek the opinion of a trained healthcare professional.
Wednesday Oct 13, 2021
Wednesday Oct 13, 2021
Working in General Practice can be challenging at the best of times, but needless to say has been more challenging of late. Lisa and Sara are joined by Dr Rachel Morris; GP, coach and host of You are not a Frog Podcast. She talks us through her top tips for looking after yourself in general practice. These include: the importance of framing this discussion with the caveat of not teaching ourselves how to put up with toxic work environments, but to consider how we can take control over things that we do have some control over. We discuss the importance of prioritising, planning your week, doing your best work at the best time and consider the importance of ‘catching the story that you’re telling yourself’. We then consider coping with the negativity in the media about general practice at the moment, assertiveness and the difference between stress and burnout.
This episode was supported by Greater Manchester Training Hub NHSE GP Fellowship programme.
Useful resources:
Greater Manchester Training Hub NHSE GP Fellowship information:
Dr Rachel Morris’s Podcast and Wellbeing/Resilience resources:
NHS Practitioner Help:
Book recommendation: ‘Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less’ by Greg McKeown
Book Recommendation: ‘The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People’ By Stephen Covey
Permission to Thrive monthly Webinars for doctors:
Resilient Team Academy - membership for leaders in Healthcare to help team to beat burnout and work happier:
We really want to make these episodes relevant and helpful: if you have any questions or want any particular areas covered then contact us on Twitter @PCKBpodcast, or leave a comment on our really quick anonymous survey here:
This podcast has been made with the support of Greater Manchester training hub, GP Excellence and Wigan CCG. Given that it is recorded with Greater Manchester clinicians, the information discussed may not be applicable elsewhere and it is important to consult local guidelines before making any treatment decisions.
The information presented is the personal opinion of the healthcare professional interviewed and might not be representative to all clinicians. It is based on their interpretation of current best practice and guidelines when the episode was recorded. Guidelines can change; To the best of our knowledge the information in this episode is up to date as of it’s release but it is the listeners responsibility to review the information and make sure it is still up to date when they listen.
Dr Lisa Adams, Dr Sara MacDermott and their interviewees are not liable for any advice, investigations, course of treatment, diagnosis or any other information, services or products listeners might pursue as a result of listening to this podcast - it is the clinicians responsibility to appraise the information given and review local and national guidelines before making treatment decisions. Reliance on information provided in this podcast is solely at the listeners risk.
The podcast is designed to be used by trained healthcare professionals for education only. We do not recommend these for patients or the general public and they are not to be used as a method of diagnosis, opinion, treatment or medical advice for the general public. Do not delay seeking medical advice based on the information contained in this podcast. If you have questions regarding your health or feel you may have a medical condition then promptly seek the opinion of a trained healthcare professional.
Wednesday Sep 29, 2021
Wednesday Sep 29, 2021
Back by popular demand, Consultant Neurologist Dr Matt Jones joins us to share his approach to assessing patients with peripheral paraesthesia. Patients don’t present with textbook terms. Dr Matt Jones takes us through how to de-code tingling, numbness and burning, and take a structured approach to these often difficult presentations. We cover the high value examination findings that could help us clinch the diagnosis and put his approach to the test with some theoretical cases.
Useful resources:
A resource for clinicians and patients around Functional Neurological Disorder:
An example of a link to buy a 128 Hertz Tuning fork:
We really want to make these episodes relevant and helpful: if you have any questions or want any particular areas covered then contact us on Twitter @PCKBpodcast, or leave a comment on our really quick anonymous survey here:
This podcast has been made with the support of GP Excellence and Wigan CCG. Given that it is recorded with Greater Manchester clinicians, the information discussed may not be applicable elsewhere and it is important to consult local guidelines before making any treatment decisions.
The information presented is the personal opinion of the healthcare professional interviewed and might not be representative to all clinicians. It is based on their interpretation of current best practice and guidelines when the episode was recorded. Guidelines can change; To the best of our knowledge the information in this episode is up to date as of it’s release but it is the listeners responsibility to review the information and make sure it is still up to date when they listen.
Dr Lisa Adams, Dr Sara MacDermott and their interviewees are not liable for any advice, investigations, course of treatment, diagnosis or any other information, services or products listeners might pursue as a result of listening to this podcast - it is the clinicians responsibility to appraise the information given and review local and national guidelines before making treatment decisions. Reliance on information provided in this podcast is solely at the listeners risk.
The podcast is designed to be used by trained healthcare professionals for education only. We do not recommend these for patients or the general public and they are not to be used as a method of diagnosis, opinion, treatment or medical advice for the general public. Do not delay seeking medical advice based on the information contained in this podcast. If you have questions regarding your health or feel you may have a medical condition then promptly seek the opinion of a trained healthcare professional.
Wednesday Sep 15, 2021
Wednesday Sep 15, 2021
Lisa and Sara are joined again by the lovely Dr Rachel Hilton, who is a speciality doctor in Dermatology. In this episode she takes us through psoriasis - what it is, differentials to consider and associated triggers and comorbidities. She then systematically talks about the management of psoriasis, how this might need to be amended for pregnant patients, and her thoughts about referral indications.
Useful resources:
British Association of Dermatologists:
Primary Care Dermatology Society:
Derm Net NZ:
Psoriasis Association:
Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis Alliance, PAPAA:
IMPACT study information:
We really want to make these episodes relevant and helpful: if you have any questions or want any particular areas covered then contact us on Twitter @PCKBpodcast, or leave a comment on our really quick anonymous survey here:
This podcast has been made with the support of GP Excellence and Wigan CCG. Given that it is recorded with Greater Manchester clinicians, the information discussed may not be applicable elsewhere and it is important to consult local guidelines before making any treatment decisions.
The information presented is the personal opinion of the healthcare professional interviewed and might not be representative to all clinicians. It is based on their interpretation of current best practice and guidelines when the episode was recorded. Guidelines can change; To the best of our knowledge the information in this episode is up to date as of it’s release but it is the listeners responsibility to review the information and make sure it is still up to date when they listen.
Dr Lisa Adams, Dr Sara MacDermott and their interviewees are not liable for any advice, investigations, course of treatment, diagnosis or any other information, services or products listeners might pursue as a result of listening to this podcast - it is the clinicians responsibility to appraise the information given and review local and national guidelines before making treatment decisions. Reliance on information provided in this podcast is solely at the listeners risk.
The podcast is designed to be used by trained healthcare professionals for education only. We do not recommend these for patients or the general public and they are not to be used as a method of diagnosis, opinion, treatment or medical advice for the general public. Do not delay seeking medical advice based on the information contained in this podcast. If you have questions regarding your health or feel you may have a medical condition then promptly seek the opinion of a trained healthcare professional.
Wednesday Sep 01, 2021
Wednesday Sep 01, 2021
Speciality Doctor Rachel Hilton joins us on the podcast to talk about eczema. You’ll hear from the episode that she is passionate about getting the basics right as a way of providing vastly better care to our patients. In the episode we cover: what eczema is, types of eczema and some important differentials, before focusing on the management of atopic eczema. This includes navigating emollients, steroids and calcineurin inhibitors with advice on how to use these effectively.
Useful resources:
Primary Care Dermatology Society:
DermNet New Zealand:
GMMMG Emollient Guidelines:
GMMMG Steroid Ladder:
BATHE Study:
BATHE study BMJ resources:
Recommended resource for patients or parents: National Eczema Society:
We really want to make these episodes relevant and helpful: if you have any questions or want any particular areas covered then contact us on Twitter @PCKBpodcast, or leave a comment on our really quick anonymous survey here:
This podcast has been made with the support of GP Excellence and Wigan CCG. Given that it is recorded with Greater Manchester clinicians, the information discussed may not be applicable elsewhere and it is important to consult local guidelines before making any treatment decisions.
The information presented is the personal opinion of the healthcare professional interviewed and might not be representative to all clinicians. It is based on their interpretation of current best practice and guidelines when the episode was recorded. Guidelines can change; To the best of our knowledge the information in this episode is up to date as of it’s release but it is the listeners responsibility to review the information and make sure it is still up to date when they listen.
Dr Lisa Adams, Dr Sara MacDermott and their interviewees are not liable for any advice, investigations, course of treatment, diagnosis or any other information, services or products listeners might pursue as a result of listening to this podcast - it is the clinicians responsibility to appraise the information given and review local and national guidelines before making treatment decisions. Reliance on information provided in this podcast is solely at the listeners risk.
The podcast is designed to be used by trained healthcare professionals for education only. We do not recommend these for patients or the general public and they are not to be used as a method of diagnosis, opinion, treatment or medical advice for the general public. Do not delay seeking medical advice based on the information contained in this podcast. If you have questions regarding your health or feel you may have a medical condition then promptly seek the opinion of a trained healthcare professional.
Wednesday Aug 18, 2021
Wednesday Aug 18, 2021
Originally recorded in January 2020 and released in August 2020...
Early diagnosis of cancer is a huge priority in order to try to improve our cancer survival rates in the UK. Lisa and Sara took the opportunity to speak to Dr Sarah Taylor, GP in Fallowfield and Cancer Research UK Cancer Diagnosis Lead for Greater Manchester about this important subject.
It was recorded pre-Covid-19 and so some of the information given about services might have changed in your local area. We thought the general tips about picking up cancer as early as possible were incredibly useful however which is why we decided to release the episode.
We cover why early diagnosis of cancer is a priority for the UK, learning points/common themes picked up from significant events in delayed cancer diagnosis, tools that we can use in primary care to help our pick up rate and useful resources for primary care.
Useful resources:
Gateway C:
Cancer Research UK Health Professional Section:
Macmillan Health Professional Resources:
QCancer Score:
Cancer Research UK Facilitator Programme:
NICE Suspected cancer - recognition and referral:
BJGP - Improving early diagnosis of cancer in UK general practice:
We really want to make these episodes relevant and helpful: if you have any questions or want any particular areas covered then contact us on Twitter @PCKBpodcast, or leave a comment on our really quick anonymous survey here:
This podcast has been made with the support of GP Excellence and Wigan CCG. Given that it is recorded with Greater Manchester clinicians, the information discussed may not be applicable elsewhere and it is important to consult local guidelines before making any treatment decisions.
The information presented is the personal opinion of the healthcare professional interviewed and might not be representative to all clinicians. It is based on their interpretation of current best practice and guidelines when the episode was recorded. Guidelines can change; To the best of our knowledge the information in this episode is up to date as of it’s release but it is the listeners responsibility to review the information and make sure it is still up to date when they listen.
Dr Lisa Adams, Dr Sara MacDermott and their interviewees are not liable for any advice, investigations, course of treatment, diagnosis or any other information, services or products listeners might pursue as a result of listening to this podcast - it is the clinicians responsibility to appraise the information given and review local and national guidelines before making treatment decisions. Reliance on information provided in this podcast is solely at the listeners risk.
The podcast is designed to be used by trained healthcare professionals for education only. We do not recommend these for patients or the general public and they are not to be used as a method of diagnosis, opinion, treatment or medical advice for the general public. Do not delay seeking medical advice based on the information contained in this podcast. If you have questions regarding your health or feel you may have a medical condition then promptly seek the opinion of a trained healthcare professional.
Wednesday Aug 04, 2021
Wednesday Aug 04, 2021
Lisa and Sara talk to GP and Professor of General Practice Research Carolyn Chew Graham about Long COVID. We discuss what Long COVID is, its prevalence, and how to assess and manage those presenting with symptoms of possible Long COVID in primary care. We also talk about the condition in children, Long COVID clinics, and how to support patients on this still very new journey. Hopefully this episode will help support learning for the new Long-COVID enhanced service that has recently been launched by NHS England.
NICE COVID-19 rapid guideline: managing the long-term effects of COVID-19 [NG188] Published: 18 December 2020:
The Post-hospitalisation COVID-19 study (PHOSP-COVID):
British Thoracic Society Resources for the respiratory Community about COVID-19 (includes advice on chest x-rays and COVID):
Your COVID recovery resource:
Long COVID SOS support group for patients:
UK Doctors with Long COVID Facebook Group:
BJGP Open Article: Finding the 'right' GP: a qualitative study of the experiences of people with long-COVID 2020: 4(5) Kingstone T, Taylor AK, O'Donnell CA, Atherton H, Blane DN and Chew-Graham CA:
Health Expectations Article: 'Reluctant pioneer': A qualitative study of doctors' experiences as patients with long COVID (Mar 2021) Taylor AK, Kingstone T, Briggs TA, O'Donnell CA, Atherton H, Blane DN, Chew-Graham CA:
The Royal College of General Practitioners online learning module on Long COVID:
Article, The Conversation: Aiyegbus OL, Haroon S, (July 2021) Long COVID: symptoms experienced during infection may predict lasting illness:
We welcome any feedback you might have, our survey takes 1-2 minutes: or contact us on Twitter @PCKBpodcast
This podcast has been made with the support of Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership, GP Excellence and Wigan CCG. Given that it is recorded with Greater Manchester clinicians, the information discussed may not be applicable elsewhere and it is important to consult local guidelines before making any treatment decisions.
The information presented is the personal opinion of the healthcare professional interviewed and might not be representative to all clinicians. It is based on their interpretation of current best practice and guidelines when the episode was recorded. Guidelines can change; To the best of our knowledge the information in this episode is up to date as of it’s release but it is the listeners responsibility to review the information and make sure it is still up to date when they listen.
Dr Lisa Adams, Dr Sara MacDermott and their interviewees are not liable for any advice, investigations, course of treatment, diagnosis or any other information, services or products listeners might pursue as a result of listening to this podcast - it is the clinicians responsibility to appraise the information given and review local and national guidelines before making treatment decisions. Reliance on information provided in this podcast is solely at the listeners risk.
The podcast is designed to be used by trained healthcare professionals for education only. We do not recommend these for patients or the general public and they are not to be used as a method of diagnosis, opinion, treatment or medical advice for the general public. Do not delay seeking medical advice based on the information contained in this podcast. If you have questions regarding your health or feel you may have a medical condition then promptly seek the opinion of a trained healthcare professional.
Wednesday Jul 21, 2021
Wednesday Jul 21, 2021
This episode is another of our lovely chats with wider members of the primary care team. Today Lisa and Sara speak to Laura Butroid, a pharmacy technician who is working in primary care.
She gives insights into the varied roles of a pharmacy technician within primary care, and how this differs from a pharmacist. She also discusses what the training looks like and what the supervision and registration side entails.
The National Pharmacy Association (NPA):
Buttercups Integrated Level 3 Cross Sector Programme:
Primary Care Pharmacy Education Pathway:
General Pharmaceutical Council:
Greater Manchester Primary Care Careers:
Greater Manchester Training Hub:
HEE Medicines optimisation:
We welcome any feedback you might have, our survey takes 1-2 minutes: or contact us on Twitter @PCKBpodcast
This podcast has been made with the support of Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership, GP Excellence and Wigan CCG. Given that it is recorded with Greater Manchester clinicians, the information discussed may not be applicable elsewhere and it is important to consult local guidelines before making any treatment decisions.
The information presented is the personal opinion of the healthcare professional interviewed and might not be representative to all clinicians. It is based on their interpretation of current best practice and guidelines when the episode was recorded. Guidelines can change; To the best of our knowledge the information in this episode is up to date as of it’s release but it is the listeners responsibility to review the information and make sure it is still up to date when they listen.
Dr Lisa Adams, Dr Sara MacDermott and their interviewees are not liable for any advice, investigations, course of treatment, diagnosis or any other information, services or products listeners might pursue as a result of listening to this podcast - it is the clinicians responsibility to appraise the information given and review local and national guidelines before making treatment decisions. Reliance on information provided in this podcast is solely at the listeners risk.
The podcast is designed to be used by trained healthcare professionals for education only. We do not recommend these for patients or the general public and they are not to be used as a method of diagnosis, opinion, treatment or medical advice for the general public. Do not delay seeking medical advice based on the information contained in this podcast. If you have questions regarding your health or feel you may have a medical condition then promptly seek the opinion of a trained healthcare professional.